Younger age of onset in familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a result of pathogenic gene variants, rather than ascertainment biasPuja R Mehta, Ashley R Jones, Sarah Opie-Martin, Aleksey Shatunov, Alfredo Iacoangeli, Ahmad Al Khleifat, Bradley N Smith, Simon Topp, Karen E Morrison, Pamela J Shaw, Christopher E Shaw, Sarah Morgan, Alan Pittman, Ammar Al-Chalabi
30 September 2018
Lifetime risk of common neurological diseases in the elderly populationSilvan Licher, Sirwan K L Darweesh, Frank J Wolters, Lana Fani, Alis Heshmatollah, Unal Mutlu, Peter J Koudstaal, Jan Heeringa, Maarten J G Leening, M Kamran Ikram, M Arfan Ikram
2 October 2018
Physical activity as a risk factor in ALSMichael Swash
23 April 2018
Multicentre, cross-cultural, population-based, case–control study of physical activity as risk factor for amyotrophic lateral sclerosisAnne E Visser, James P K Rooney, Fabrizio D’Ovidio, Henk-Jan Westeneng, Roel C H Vermeulen, Ettore Beghi, Adriano Chiò, Giancarlo Logroscino, Orla Hardiman, Jan H Veldink, Leonard H van den Berg, , for the Euro-MOTOR consortium, Andrea Bru-no, Carlo De FantiSee the full list of authors
23 April 2018
Educational attainment of children born to mothers with epilepsyArron S Lacey, William Owen Pickrell, Rhys H Thomas, Mike P Kerr, Cathy P White, Mark I Rees
27 March 2018
AEDs or no AEDs during pregnancy? That is the questionRichard F M Chin
27 March 2018
Evidence for cannabis and cannabinoids for epilepsy: a systematic review of controlled and observational evidenceEmily Stockings, Dino Zagic, Gabrielle Campbell, Megan Weier, Wayne D Hall, Suzanne Nielsen, Geoffrey K Herkes, Michael Farrell, Louisa Degenhardt
6 March 2018
Cognitive and psychosocial function in retired professional hockey playersCarrie Esopenko, Tiffany W Chow, Maria Carmela Tartaglia, Agnes Bacopulos, Priya Kumar, Malcolm A Binns, James L Kennedy, Daniel J Müller, Brian Levine
10 April 2017
Concussion, dementia and CTE: are we getting it very wrong?Alan Carson
10 April 2017
Higher latitude is significantly associated with an earlier age of disease onset in multiple sclerosisChunrong Tao, Steve Simpson, Jr, Ingrid van der Mei, Leigh Blizzard, Eva Havrdova, Dana Horakova, Vahid Shaygannejad, Alessandra Lugaresi, Guillermo Izquierdo, Maria Trojano, Pierre Duquette, Marc Girard, Franois Grand'Maison, Pierre GrammondSee the full list of authors
3 November 2016